This year, I've been watching more animes! It's mainly because of my friends' recommendations~ but it's funny because I haven't watched this much anime in a long looong time ;w; It's weird for me because for 3 years straight, I was super super SUPER hooked on Legend of Korra. I always had something to look forward to every week, and I hung onto every scrap of Korra news that was out there. Obsession much? Yes xD I love the feeling of being so estatic about something :'D. Of course, now Korra is over with on a sour note on my end due to the fact that I didn't like the majority of Book 4... pluuuus all the awful fandom drama that happened post-finale~ though I won't get into that now xDD Anyway, since Korra ended, I've been wanting a show to look forward to every week. These aren't obsession-status for me (I'm still looking for "the one"), but I really enjoy them!
The ones I'm currently watching are:
Ore Monogatari!! (My Love Story)

If you aren't watching this now, GO WATCH IT. It is the CUTEST anime ever. I'm so serious!!! Every time I watch it, my heart flutters and I just want to hit something because it's so cute! It's so fluffy I'm gonna dieee! It's also pretty funny. It's so lovey-dovey and happy that I always feel like something bad is going to happen eventually D; I don't read the manga so I wouldn't know~ BUT NO REALLY ITS INCREDIBLY CUTE TO THE POINT I CAN CRY, GO WATCH IT!
Shokugeki no Soma

This is actually my current favorite one! A show about cooking and competition, what's not to like? :D It's kinda NSFW at parts, so be cautious and listen with headphones! x'D The "NSFW" parts are mostly all for comedic purposes and to show just how delicious the cooking is. I always get a good laugh out of it! It's great :'D But what really gets me hooked is the food and what the characters will come up with for the dishes * 0 * Every time I watch it, I get hungry!!! I actually made the Nanchatte Pork Roast. It was good, but I think it's much better in a smaller portion. Anyway, the most recent episode was awesome, I can't wait for the next one!
DanMachi (Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon)

This one is kind of MMORPG-esque, similar to Sword Art Online and Log Horizon. They're not trapped in a game, however~ their world seems to just function like one. There are adventurers who level up and gain shards (to exchange for currency) by defeating monsters inside a large dungeon. I've always liked these kinds of animes :p The characters are super interesting and CUTE. I love seeing what direction the show will go. I'm loving it so far! To me, the show seems a biiit slow at the beginning, but it's really picking up right now as each episode goes by! Bell is cooool~
Plastic Memories

A world where humans and incredibly human-like androids live together~ This is anime is pretty funny at times, but overall... it hits you hard in the feels. It's so sad ;___ ; I was warned that it was sad before I started watching it, and I underestimated it. I thought to myself "Hey, I survived Your Lie in April, this should be nothing!" But..... I was sobbing in the first episode. I cry pretty easily, though, so it might just be me... xD But yeah, it's a nice anime! The characters are all pretty interesting, and I really like the story!
I'm also watching Nisekoi season 2 and Sailor Moon Crystal but yah! The others are the ones I'm reeeally into at the moment! (・◇・)/~~~
Are you guys watching any animes? What are you watching? Comment in the comment section! <3
Are you guys watching any animes? What are you watching? Comment in the comment section! <3
Thanks for reading! <3
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